28 July 2012

Stevie's Joint Care+ Challenge, Week 1 - The Stairs

Over the last year or so Stevie has definitely slowed down and has really started to struggle with the stairs - especially since being diagnosed with arthritis.  Some evenings he has to do several approaches and retreats before he can even attempt going up them.

I hate seeing any of my hounds struggle and whilst I realise that the ageing process is inevitable and that it’s likely to bring health problems, I want to do everything I can to help Stevie.  He has always taken everything in his stride and seeing him struggle with the stairs makes me sad (and realise how much we should treasure the time all our pets are with us).  You can see from the video that he makes several attempts before bounding upstairs.

I’m hoping that the Pedigree Joint Care+ treats will help Stevie with his mobility.  We’re all keeping our fingers and paws crossed that by the end of the challenge Stevie will be able to tackle the stairs like he used to.

*Disclosure: I have been provided with 6 weeks' supply of Joint Care+ treats by Pedigree  as part of the Joint Care+ Challenge.  I have not been paid for my views and all views expressed are my own.

24 July 2012

Summer's arrived and there's a spring in Stevie's step

At long last, after the wettest April and June since records began in 1910*, the sun has finally put in an appearance in this week.  As well as generally putting a smile on the face of the great British public (but let’s not mention the effect it has on people’s choice –or lack – of clothing), it seems to have helped put a spring in all the hounds’ steps too.

In the evening, when it’s a bit cooler, I’ve been spending some time playing and training with the hounds in the garden.  I’m not sure whether the sun helps Stevie’s joints, after all he’s only been on the Pedigree Joint Care+ trial** for just under a week, or the fact that he loves his new toys but something’s put a spring in his step.

It’s so nice to see him playing and having fun - especially as yesterday the vet diagnosed him as having arthritis and joint problems-  and we’re keeping fingers and paws crossed that it continues. As the video shows, it seems that Stevie's quite taken with the Kong Air.

*source: Met Office: http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/news/releases/archive/2012/wettest-June

**Disclosure: I have been provided with 6 weeks' supply of Joint Care+ treats by Pedigree  as part of the Joint Care+ Challenge.  I have not been paid for my views and all views expressed are my own.
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