14 February 2012

Roll out the carpet - Greyhound trick training

I'm learning so much through my university studies.  Sometimes it seems the more I learn, the more I realise what I don't know!  Then again, we never stop learning do we?  The same is true for our dogs - no matter what their age. Our dogs are always learning - they're like sponges - whether intentionally or unintentionally you can bet our dogs are learning something from us .

As part of my university progressive dog training module, Mina and I were to take the college tests - a mix of 10 different exercises.  The tests included 5 compulsory exercises and then 5 from a selection of other exercises, one of which was to train a trick of our choice.

At one point, I honestly thought that Mina and I would never pass the module.  Not through a lack of 'trainability' on Mina's part but due to her canine catastrophe tendencies! In June last year she had to have her toe amputated and then not long after she'd recovered from the operation, and just as we'd started training again, she split the webbing on one of her back paws.

Finally, with several injury-free weeks behind us, one of the last weekends in October proved to be a dry enough day to video the exercises.

My favourite part of the test was the trick training... I finally discovered a use for my old yoga mat as the video clip shows.

The ground was a bit lumpy and Mina got slightly distracted by a smell but as you can see, she can 'roll out the carpet'.

So, did we pass the module?  Yes! With flying colours. I'm very proud of Mina - she's 10 years old and a greyhound - living proof that you can teach an old dog and a greyhound new tricks!

I'd be really interested to know what trick, or tricks, your dogs can do or what you'd like them to do...so please don't be shy and do leave a comment.

Remember, every comment left on my February 2012 posts gets entered into our Countdown to Crufts giveaway to win* a pair of Crufts tickets.

*Terms & Conditions:
Giveaway is open to UK residents only. Prize consists of one pair of tickets to Crufts for each of the two winners (tickets are valid for the day of the winner's choice).
The winner is responsible for arranging their own transport to and from the NEC.
Closing dates for entries is Tuesday 28 February 2012
Winners will be notified by email and/;or via my blog posts


  1. Mina is a star! :-)

  2. She will give me her paw if I have a treat in my hand!

  3. Thanks for all the lovely comments. Me and Mina are thinking about what the next trick we'll train will be.


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